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Buckminster Fuller looking at 'horsepower' horses cartoon

Hidden in plain sight: our invisible slaves

Imaginary ‘energy slaves’ perform work on behalf of human beings. They are ‘hidden in plain sight’, because they make our lifestyles so effortless. Essay 1 / 7.

Cross section of transparent car, being pushed along the road by energy slave workers.

Energy Slaves reference list

With this post, I list the references that I used for by Energy Slaves comic. I also show the working that I used to calculate some of the figures of the comic.

Amusing Myself to Death on Instagram

I joined Instagram and got creative with the 3-column grid format. I posted my comic Amusing Ourselves to Death, panel by panel.

Stuart McMillen website redesign comparison. Comparing 2012 versus 2017 era web design of website.

New website redesign! Jumping from 2012 to 2017

I am today relaunching this website, with a fresh new design! With this blog post I describe the redesign process, and the differences between the 2012-era website and the new 2017 version.

Cartoon illustration of tying up shoelaces

The limitations and merits of the World War II / climate change analogy

I used the World War II as an analogy for responding to climate change in my comic Hitler Denial. In this essay, I discuss the merits and limitations of this comparison.

Cartoon artwork of Adolf Hitler motorcade with swastika flags

The making of Hitler Denial: bypassing Climate Change 101

I describe the storytelling philosophy I employed in my comic Hitler Denial. The comic is about climate change, but I deliberately avoided getting bogged-down in 'Climate Change 101' debates.

Diagram of physics of self-airconditioning zero energy geodesic dome

Buckminster Fuller’s Chilling Domes: the physics

I discuss the physics behind my comic about Buckminster Fuller's Chilling Domes. Is the phenomenon real? I outline the evidence for and against.

Australian postage stamps, featuring Australian animals on handwritten postcards

Patreon campaign: Postcard #1 and Video Q&A #1

I show and tell information about my first Patreon supporter postcard, and my first Patreon video Q&A session.

Photography of deer in parking garage ramp - cropped photo from George Monbiot's Feral cover

Two years of reading (2013-15)

Every two years I publish a list of the books which I read during that period. Here is my 2013-15 list, featuring the reasons why Feral by George Monbiot was my favourite book from that period.