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My two projects for 2021: The Town Without Television and Basic Income Comics

I discuss the two comics projects that I will be releasing in 2021. The first is The Town Without Television, the second is Basic Income Comics featuring the Mincome Manitoba experiment.

Stuart McMillen holding microphone performing stand up comedy

Sustainable Stand Up 2017

In August 2017, I joined a group of ten comedy novices for a National Science Week experiment. After a month of coaching, we each performed a 5-minute comedy set based on our personal convictions.

Stuart McMillen vlog announcing new comic

Update video: Five new things

I am beginning to release a backlog of content to the web. Having trouble keeping up? This 3-minutes video gives a quick overview of 5 things that you can do to get up to speed.

Top 10 Essential Graphic Novels - video review Stuart McMillen

Top 10 Essential Graphic Novels

I discuss my Top 10 Essential Graphic Novels list: a comic book buyers guide. These books are my graphic novel recommendations for new readers of comics.

Stuart McMillen tour of cartoon studio in office

Quick tour of new desk and office

In late 2016 I moved from my home office to a coworking office. I give a quick video tour of my new desk, and discuss my plans for 2017.

Stuart McMillen personal reflection talk at Sunday Assembly

Personal reflection talk: not owning a smartphone

I gave a talk about my decision to shun smartphones. This talk about why I still use a 'dumbphone' was the personal reflection at Sunday Assembly Canberra in December 2016.

Stuart McMillen Patreon crowdfunding pitch video

Patreon crowdfunding pitch video – 2016

I shot a pitch video for my Patreon crowdfunding campaign in 2016. In the video, I discuss what I try to achieve with my comics, and how readers can support my work.

Stuart McMillen Aussie crowdfunding pitch with Akubra hat and VB beer and galah

The most ‘Aussie’ crowdfunding pitch ever

In 2016, I attempted to make the most exaggeratedly 'Aussie' crowdfunding pitch video that I could imagine, wearing an Akubra hat and khaki shirt.