Matched crowdfunding 2024

Matched crowdfunding 2024
May 2024
Stuart McMillen matched crowdfunding 2024

My Town Without Television book project has been selected for a matched fundraising opportunity, courtesy of the 2024 ACF Boost grant program. I’m one of just two ACT artists selected for the ACF Boost 2024 fund-matching opportunity (of a total of just 86 projects from around Australia).

2024 matched crowdfunding video

As the video above explains, I have been selected for the rare opportunity to host a government-backed matched crowdfunding project. This means that any donations made to my new campaign page will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Australian government’s arts ministry.

Importantly, Creative Australia will match contributions that are made from people from all over the world, irrespective of nationality. In addition, this is a tax-deductible donation for Australians, who will be issued a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) receipt to claim as a tax deduction on their ATO income tax return.

This is actually the third time that I’ve run a matched crowdfunding campaign, as shown through my grants and fundraising history page. When I ran my past two matched crowdfunding campaigns in 2016 and 2018, I found the government fund-matching aspect was an important motivator that encouraged people to donate to my campaign.

A very big project: my debut graphic novel

As the video at the top of the page highlights, I am funding my debut graphic novel The Town Without Television. As you can imagine, creating a graphic novel is a very time-consuming process. I’ve got a lot of drawing ahead of me, with at least two years more work to go before The Town Without Television is ready to be published. But I am still very motivated by this project, and think it will be a satisfying and thought-provoking book when published. I bet you’re looking forward to reading it too.

Can you donate to my campaign?

Would you consider donating to my crowdfunding page to help this next phase of The Town Without Television’s creation? If so, please donate through my new crowdfunding page, and enjoy the satisfaction of having your donation doubled by the Australian government.
The Town Without Television illustration with two boys crossing street talking to each other.